
  Thank you for selecting Listening to Learn (L2L)

  Listening to Learn is the first of a series of specifically designed listening materials for use in secondary ESL and EFL classrooms here in Taiwan and the larger Chinese community (mainland China, Hong Kong, etc.)。 The authors of this particular series are myself, co-Project Director for English Education Resource Center (EERC, the ESL arm of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education for secondary language instruction) and Richard Roshay, EERC’s American ESL consultant and a career ESL materials developer specialist.

  The source of listening material for Listening to Learn is based on selected video clips from English Central (。 Each of the five units is theme-based and we have selected themes which we believe will be of interest to both you and your students.

  As with the other books in the listening series, Listening to Learn is developed around the three core sections called Think Ahead, Let’s Listen, and Learning More. The Think Ahead- section introduces the theme and seeks to activate prior or background knowledge. The Let’s Learn- section presents the core listening both with and without the video segment (thus allowing students the opportunity to listen only)。 The Learning More-section, encourages students to reconstruct some of the content of the video with theme-based follow up activities and a wide range of vocabulary practice of the lexical items selected in Vocabulary Practice Review. Each of the three sections has within it a number of activities which are designed to support the listening.

  The authors of Listening to Learn
  believe the development of good listening skills a life skill
  consider listening as an effective means of vocabulary development and acquisition
  hold that listening is an active and demanding skill that all students can develop
  see listening as collaborative and not a skill practiced solely in isolation
  value learning as a life-long pursuit
  Some of the key features of Listening to Learn are
  a wide range of vocabulary support activities and tasks
  the introduction of Visual Dictation and Visual Dictionaries to the series
  the inclusion of mini- Problem-Based-Learning activities
  highly visualized texts to enhance and encourage learning
  critical-thinking based tasks
  Pearl Chang & Richard Roshay



Richard A. Roshay

  Richard is an experienced and enthusiastic ESL instructor and teacher trainer having taught in Europe (Paris, France) and the Middle East (The United Arab Emirates) for many years.

  While having been born and educated in the USA (Oregon), Richard has lived his entire professional life abroad.

  Throughout his career, Richard has been keenly involved in developing ESL materials for students and teachers alike. In Tunisia, he trialed the new high school ESL textbooks developed by the British Council and the Ford Foundation. In France, he began developing ESL and ESP materials for business, finance, real estate and even shipping. In Saudi Arabia, his talents for materials development were such that he was asked to re-write the Royal Saudi Air Force English Language course books. Shortly after arriving in the UAE, Richard put together the first materials development team for the Higher Colleges of Technology, a team which went on to produce five fully-integrated and themed books while heading up teams in both the Men’s (AAMC) and Women’s (AAWC) college.

  Among his major credits, Richard cites his founding of his own language school in Paris, France The American Teachers’ Guild, over twenty years of professional peer development and, not the least, is one of the founding members of TESOL Arabia – now the largest TESOL event in the Middle East and North Africa region.

  Richard is still very active in materials development and most notably for his work in vocabulary acquisition. He is the developer of a highly successful tool – Visual Dictionaries. These dictionaries, coupled with a range of Visual Dictation activities ensure a quick, fun and enduring experience in learning new vocabulary easily.

  Richard was recently appointed an official consultant for EERC and has made two trips to Taiwan to work with EERC ESL instructors and in designing, developing and delivering excellent workshops and presentations.

Pearl Chang

  Pearl Chang is the Executive Secretary of English Education Resource Center (EERC) as well the co-Project Designer, both under the auspices of the Taiwanese MOE.

  Ms. Chang received her MA in TESOL from the National Taiwan Normal University in 2002. In 2005, she was sponsored by Taiwan MOE to attend the well-known EFL overseas training course at Georgetown University.

  Even after twenty-eight years as an EFL instructor in secondary education, she continues to exemplify what it means to be a life-long learner as she is currently working on her doctorate (Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment) through the Education Department of Walden University in the US.

  In the course of her studies, Ms. Chang attended a number of courses and training via the University of Oregon, sponsored by the US State Department. This period proved to be pivotal in her pedagogical development as she remains today to be a strong advocate of Differentiated Instruction, Project/Problem Based Learning and the effective use of Graphic Organizers in the classroom. Over the last few years, Ms. Chang has been instrumental in the design and implementation of a nation-wide teacher development program. Her professional development initiatives have resulted in the creation of teaching teams called Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and SEED Teachers both of which contribute to the growth and development of ESL faculties in the secondary system across Taiwan.

  A true academic, Ms. Chang also has a wide range of publications to her credit (notably a translation of How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classroom written by Carol Ann Tomlinson, Write the Best 20 and Show Me the Way) as well as a long history of presenting both at the national and international levels, most recently presenting at CamTESOL in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, TESOL Convention in New York and previously at the International Reading Association in Reno-Nevada, USA.

  Ms. Chang is the initiator and architect of the Pathways to Listening series. Perhaps the most surprising outcome of the project has been her return to the classroom as she reaps the benefit of being both a developer and an end-user, demonstrating her life-long commitment to the teaching and learning of English here in Taiwan.


UNIT1 What is Bike Travel?
UNIT2 What a Cool City!
UNIT3 Love
UNIT4 Digital Fun
UNIT5 Love of


  • ISBN:9789571178431
  • 規格:平裝 / 104頁 / 21 x 29 x 0.52 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



... 生活中我們都知道男人喜歡漂亮的女人,走在大街上無論哪個年齡階段的男人看到漂亮女人都會忍不住回頭多看幾眼,可大家有沒有深思過:男人為什麼喜歡漂亮的女人呢?難道僅僅因為她年輕?還是因為她的穿衣會打扮? 有人說男人喜歡漂亮的女人是天性,不得不說漂亮的女人在生活中處處受到優待,但事實上深究下去其實是可以發現道理的。我們來剖析男人眼裡的美麗,最後發現男人喜歡漂亮女人無非因為這三點。 第一點,男人喜歡漂亮的女人,第一眼在於對方的臉蛋。我們可以發現那些真正被善待的女人除了漂亮一定還有其他特點,比如都有白皙的肌膚。生活中一直都有「一白遮三丑」的說法,而美白更是每個女人一生都在努力的事業。漂亮的女人不管本身白不白,都時刻在美白,而最好的美白方法就是防曬。 ... 給大家推薦一款在潤根源防曬霜,防曬指數高達46倍,溫和不刺激,還含有植物精華,敏感肌也可以用。外觀簡約大方,看著舒心,水清漾的使用感,塗抹後瞬間即與肌膚相融合,為肌膚內側注入水潤,讓肌膚表面依然保持爽潔。這款防曬霜小巧精緻,很適合女生的小包包,旋轉式開口,還不怕漏哦! 第二點,男人喜歡漂亮的女人是因為帶出去有面子。女人之間勾心鬥角,男人之間也少不了攀比和炫耀的虛榮。雖然男人不會在穿衣打扮上攀比,但是會在開的車子、住的房子,懷裡的女人這些地方上面暗暗比較。試想,一個男人他是帶一個漂亮的女人出去和朋友吃飯,還是帶一個不會打扮還滿臉雀斑的女人出去有面子? ... 這款奧麗斯美白祛斑保濕霜推薦給大家,它可以補水美白淡斑,三層淡斑,層層凈白,能從深層去除各種色斑,孕斑、曬斑、蝴蝶斑統統搞定,適用所有膚質!女人一旦到了三十歲,臉上的膠原蛋白就開始流失容易形成斑點,所以如果你的肌膚出現以上這些斑點問題,就用這款奧麗斯美白祛斑保濕霜試試吧! 第三點,漂亮的女人容易激起男人的保護欲。眾所周知,這世上沒有天生的醜女人,漂亮的女人都是錢堆出來的,尤其是在現在這個年代裡,只要一個女人能夠堅持年年月月地美白防曬,及時保養皮膚,這個女人的形象氣質絕對不會差,所以說漂亮女人都是打扮出來的。














溪湖容易冒汗中醫推薦 埤頭發燙感治療有效中醫診所 治療有成效的和美中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多名間鄉頻尿治療中醫 水里不用安眠藥治療改善中醫診所 網路評比不錯的南投中醫診所,自律神經失調改善很多田尾睡眠障礙門診看什麼科 伸港睡眠障礙治療中醫 當地人都推薦的和美中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多大葉大學附近推薦發燙感看什麼科 福興頭暈治療中醫 大家都推薦這間溪湖中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多


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